Manufactured in Great Britain

Removable Perimeter Barriers with the integrated lock in the socket, and Retractapost-GL have been approved by Sold Secure.



Installation Site

Former Coventry Petrol Station


Key Locking Removable Perimeter Barriers, RetractaPost-GL 745 (Galvanised), Perimeter Barriers (Galvanised Steel)

18 April 2022

The owners of a former Petrol Station, recently converted into commercial units, approached Autopa for advice on how to make the premises more secure with the aim of preventing unauthorized parking on site and removing the risk of unauthorized encampment.


Autopa’s turn-key service started with a free site survey to assess site conditions, measure the area and advise a suitable solution. This was followed by a quotation and site layout diagram which was accepted by the customer.


To achieve the above objectives, we utilized the flexibility of our Sold Secure range of fixed and removable perimeter barriers and retractable bollards. 


Three separate entrances were secured using retractable bollards, whilst the perimeter of the site was secured using fixed security barriers.  Larger vehicles often need access to the site for deliveries, therefore we installed removable perimeter barriers either side of the main entrance to give the ability to widen the area when necessary.


The customer was kept up-to-date throughout the manufacturing process and installation was completed within 3 days.


The final solution provided 11 Retractable bollards, 9 fixed security barriers and 2 removable security barriers.
